Special thanks to NASA for allowing me to use this photo taken by the Hubble telescope.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Welcome to my "other blog". Many of you found this blog through my political blog, "A Whole Lot of Bible and a Dash of Politics". On several posts, the title could have easily been inverted.

That blog is alive and well and when I get a bee in my bonnet; I'll continue to post there. My goal is 3 to 4 new posts per month. Any closer examination of politics leaves me too grumpy to tolerate.

Big Ideas is more philosophical in tone. I'm attempting to impress all of my friends with the great wealth of wisdom I have obtained over the years. It is my hope that through my prideful ambitions God may be glorified, even if by accident. Seriously, John Piper wrote, "God is most glorified when we are most satisfied in Him." Whenever I take the time to examine God and His works I am "satisfied" beyond explanation. The posts in this blog will be feeble attempts to explain why I have become satisfied in God and some of the things I have discovered that put me in awe of Him

There are two presumptions on my blog; 1. God is good and 2. His word is truth. This blog will unapologetically hold to these without feeling the need to defend them. God is capable of defending Himself. In fact, I am just attempting to convey the many ways God has already defended Himself.

I hope you enjoy this blog. Please consider following me on Google or Facebook. Feel free to forward my blog to your friends. I welcome comments, and I will attempt to answer questions and objections. If you find typos, it is because you are dyslexic.

I have many Big Ideas for this blog and I look forward to hearing yours. God bless us all and have a Merry Christmas!